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Church/State Separation Week

~ November 24-28

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

- The First Amendment of the US Constitution

A holiday inspired by the invaluable work of organizations like Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, the Institute for First Amendment Studies and many others, the Church / State Separation Week offers concerned and active citizens an opportunity to educate others about the importance of this subject.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation and the American Atheists have declared the week during Thanksgiving holiday (~November 24) a national event for the Separation of Church and State. Although upheld each and every day and celebrated every waking moment, alongside other hallmarks of liberty, this annual holiday will provide a platform to rally the troupes and celebrate one of democracy's finest contributions to civilization. Other countries and groups are invited to participate as well - the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society, for instance, and other peoples united for a secular government.

What Can You Do To Celebrate?

Send FFRF's Mayoral Proclamation

Give thanks for Church / State Separation Week

Take The Continuum of Humanist Education course on "Religion and the Constitution"

Help Distribute Material:

American Civil Liberties Union: Resources on Religious Liberty

Americans United for Separation of Church & State Pamphlets:

Anti-Defamation League: Resources on Religious Freedom

Freedom From Religion Foundation's Nontracts:

Plan Public Lectures & Discussion Panels:

Contact Your Government Representatives:

American Atheists: Government Contacts & Resource Page

Submit Your Ideas & Thoughts:

  • The Benefits of Church/State Separation
  • The Dangers of NO Church/State Separation
  • Activities & Events to Include in Church/State Separation Week

Other Links & Resources: